Frequently Asked Questions
- Q: Which durable medical equipment (DME) company should I use?
- A: The best source for DME company is the patient’s insurance provider. Verifying with an insurance representative which preferred vendor has the best coverage for supplies is encouraged to ensure the best possible outcome.
- Q: Will my insurance cover the test for sleep test for apnea and treatment? (i.e. sleep studies, CPAP, and so forth)
- A: Sleep apnea is an accepted medical illness that is generally covered by insurances. The health benefits of treating sleep apnea, i.e. CPAP or other devices, are such that generally result in an overall healthcare cost savings. However, we cannot assume responsibility for what each insurance company covers. We recommend verification by patient with insurance regarding specific coverage.
- Q: Do I need to bring my medication list?
- A: Yes, with each visit please bring a list of all current medications for a detail review with the doctor. Please include prescription and over the counter medications.
- Q: Will I need a test done during my first visit?
- A: The tests during the first visit depend on your history and your recent tests. After being evaluated, and only if needed, usually the basic two routine tests are: (1) Spirometry, to measure basic lung function (volume/flow) and (2) electrocardiogram (EKG), to measure basic tracing of the heart.
- Q: How far in advance are new patients scheduled?
- A: The scheduling is made on individual basis. Typically, new patients are scheduled a few weeks in advance, but some conditions may require an immediate appointment which will be determined by Dr. Marchini.